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Interactive Media - Task One

Social Media, this is interactive because it has interactive things on it such as pictures, chat to people. This also has a graphic interface which is easy to follow. I use social media on a daily basis.

Music CDs, this is interactive because you can play. Fast forward, rewind and pause. You can also pick which track you want to listen too. The first ever interactive video game was Dragon’s Lair. I use this multimedia a lot because I play a lot of CDs from my favourite singers.

Websites, this is interactive because it is the best way to communicate with people, there is also many elements go into creating websites. I use this a lot since i can make websites.

Video games, this is interactive because you can control the game. You also have different interactions involved. I play a lot of video games so I play lots.

Marketing posters, this is very similar to normal conventional, but they use the internet to become interactive. They enable the user to access further information. I spend no time on marketing posters.

Printed book, are interactive and the early set of printed books are pop up books. Children books are mainly pop up because of the interactivness of it for kids.

Fizzy drinks can, can often have QR codes on then to represent the interactive media on this product. The can can also have little messages on the side of them too. I never spent time looking at fizzy drink cans.

Newspapers / Magazine, These can be made interactive through using QR codes, more sophisticated is an online newspaper which was first published on the 16th March 2012. I spent no time looking at newspapers.


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