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Visual Composition

Composition are techniques that are used to set up elements of a picture. The 3 main ones are Rule of thirds, leading lines and frame within a frame.

Rule of Thirds:

This is a guideline that places the subject in the left or the right third of an image. Leaving the other two thirds open. This divides a Photo into nine equal parts, split by two equally spaced horizontal and vertical lines.

Frame With in a Frame:

Positioning your main subject so its framed by something else within the scene. Otherwords, if you take a picture behind something you could call framing. often the frame is behind the person you are taking the picture.

Leading of Lines:

These are lines that appear in a photograph that have been framed and been positoned by the photographer, to draw the viewers eye to the specfic point of interest in the image.

Independent Composition Workshop

By using the three rules of composition, I set the main focus on the girl sat on the bench and blurring out the surrounding area. This is called leading lines.

By setting the focus square on the blue Mini, I used leading of lines to set the focus on the car mainly, while blurring out the bushes.

Using the focus square, I used the leading of lines to set the focus on the clock tower, while blurring out the leaves.

In this picture I used both frame within a frame and leading of lines, because I set the focus square onto the clock tower and the frame within a frame is the branches surrounding the tower itself.

In this photo I used frame within a frame, by using the telephone boxes as a frame and using leading of lines to set the focus point on the church and steeple in the background.


© 2021 - Owen Phillips

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